Tuesday, October 12, 2010

5K...That's Not 5000 Miles, Right?

Yesterday I started an 8-week program to run a 5K. I don't know why I'm telling you people this, since my announcing "I'm gonna run 5K in 8 weeks!" is loosely translated in Xmas-speak as "I'll have given this up by tomorrow and in 8 weeks I will have gained 20 pounds", but fuck it. Once you've told your audience about having once beaten off 11 times in one day, there can be no rollback on honesty, I suppose.

I'm using this as a guide, and yesterday I did Step #5 (when you're a fucking sports hero you get to skip 1-4, faggots) without my heart exploding into ribbons or little birds with halos coming down to lug my body up to the Pearly Gates, so I'll do it again tomorrow and see what happens.

Of course I'm doing it for my health/not wanting to die alone etc, but I do hafta give Facebook credit, as it's been the shocking number people from my high school et al who I still remember as being fat and incredibly non-athletic posting daily about their 5Ks and marathon training that has irked me into trying it myself.

Lookit that. Facebook, saving lives!

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