Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Meow! Claw!

Earlier this morning I mentioned the hopes of a Sniffy/McTitties catfight, and a few hours ago McTitties put up an article at the Daily Beast entitled My Palin Problem:

Nom nom nom!

I do hafta give Mickey T's some credit here, as she almost nails the peculiar nature of the Sniffy/media  relationship:
It seems the Sarah Palin media obsession goes both ways. They are both mutually obsessed with one another and the relationship is cyclical. It is the chicken or the egg conundrum. Every tweet of Sarah’s makes headlines and every network puts what she says on its newsfeed.
She pulls up just short, since it should resolve as "Every tweet of Sarah’s makes headlines and every network puts what she says on its newsfeed, at which point Sarah [ed. note: "Sniffy"] then derides the "lamestream media" for doing so, thus keeping it in the newsfeed and continuing the never-ending cycle.

A Sniffy/McTitties catight, and what does it mean to Xmastime?

In a nutshell:

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