Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Reality TV: The Chinese Arithmetic of Television

Harry Loves Lisa 
TV Land, Wednesday 10pm

What Xmastime "Guessed" This Show Would Be While Seeing a Promo a Few Days Ago: Wild, whacky, impulsive wife does wild, whacky, impulsive things while her impossibly mild-mannered husband raises his eyebrows with bemusement at her as she, in return, derides him for thinking about things too much instead of just diving in head-first.

What Xmastime Sees the Show Actually Is After Watching It for Five Minutes: Wild, whacky, impulsive wife does wild, whacky, impulsive things while her impossibly mild-mannered husband raises his eyebrows with bemusement at her as she, in return, derides him for thinking about things too much instead of just diving in head-first.

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