Wednesday, October 06, 2010

A Typical Email Exchange in the Life of Xmastime

10:01am Me - hey, nonsensical blather, something funny!
10:02am Friend - hey, nonsensical blather, something funny!
10:04am Me - hey, nonsensical blather, something funny!
10:05am Friend - hey, nonsensical blather, something funny!
10:06am Me - hey, nonsensical blather, something funny!
10:06am Friend - hey, nonsensical blather, something funny!
10:07am Me - hey, nonsensical blather, something funny!
10:08am Friend - hey, nonsensical blather, something funny!
10:09am Me - hey, can you send along ________ to me, if I don't get it within the next 5 minutes my entire life will be destroyed. Thanks!

10:13am  Me - ?

7:12pm Friend - here ya go

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