Thursday, October 07, 2010

Oh, Come On.

Red power jacket. Pearl necklace (heh heh heh.) And, of course, blaming all her troubles on "the liberal media."
Delaware Republican Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell is asking voters to give her a second look. At a candidate forum sponsored by a group of local Republicans, O'Donnell blamed her campaign's recent troubles on unfair coverage in the "liberal media."

"I've put my name on the line. And I've taken a lot of hits ... a lot of character assassination," O'Donnell said.
Yes, Rachel Maddow held a gun to her head and forced her to make an ad reminding everybody that she once dabbled with riding a broom around the sky instead of rubbing her pussy with it. For fuck's sake.

What's next? Toting around a fucking Jerry's kid while shooting a wolf with a hunting rifle? What the fuck?

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