Monday, October 04, 2010


Psychocandy is a superslice of superslices, as I've mentioned HERE, so Xmastime likes THIS:
VP:   As is the trend in music these days bands have often got back together to tour the anniversary of a certain album,  Although you guys got back together in 2007 for a number of shows and festivals and for the Nick Sanderson tribute , were you not tempted to mark  ‘Psychocandy’s’ anniversary with some gigs? Will the brothers unite again for the sake of rock n roll?
JIM: As far as  ‘Psychocandy’ is concerned I wouldn’t rule it out, but the truth of the matter is it’s a very hard record to play live, Christ only knows how we managed to do it all those years ago, but we probably didn’t ! We were probably just so drunk that we thought we did.
Psychocandy was released in the absurdly awesome year 1985. Besides the local bands' records that came out that year I mention in the post, there was also

Tim - The Replacements
New Day Rising - Husker Du
Flip Your Wig - Husker Du
Fables of the Reconstruction - REM
Telephone Free Landslide Victory - Camper Van Beethoven

and prolly a million more I'm too lazy to list.

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