Tuesday, November 09, 2010

20 Flight Rock

Conan and Jack White playing Twenty Flight Rock is awesome for several reasons - one, because I fucking love Eddie Cochran, and also that song in particular has a place in history:
The song triggered a significant moment in music history when the barely 15-year-old Paul McCartney used "Twenty Flight Rock" as his first song when he auditioned for John Lennon on July 6, 1957 in Liverpool, England. The 16-year-old Lennon was impressed by the young McCartney's ability to play the song on the guitar during their first official introductions at St. Peter's Church Hall prior to a church garden fete. The good first impression of McCartney's performance led to an invitation to join The Quarrymen - John Lennon's band that would eventually evolved into The Beatles. On The Beatles Anthology, McCartney noted that: "I think what impressed him most was that I knew all the words."

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