Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Sniffy Hypocrisy (Surprise)

Article HERE exposing the sham of Sniffy's "small government" hypocrisy while reigning over the most socialist state in the Union.

To me, this is a reflection of the GOP's hypocritical philosophy as a whole, the "pull yourselves up by your own bootstraps!" nonsense that only applies to EVERYBODY ELSE. Sniffy's man Joe Miller's a perfect example - people shouldn't have unemployment insurance unless, of course, they happen to be Joe Miller's wife. Just like the myth of the rugged, man-of-the-land farmers like Clint Didier, claiming rugged independence while his mitts are busy grabbing whatever scrillah the "evil gub'ment that should stay the hell offa my farm!!" is willing to give him.

Fuck you, Deadskins!

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