Thursday, November 18, 2010

Ben's Chili Bowl

I've seen two different bits on Ben's Chili Bowl in DC on the food channel today, so I got it on my mind and looked up it's Wiki joint and saw this:
The U Street corridor was devastated by the 1968 riots that followed the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.During the riots, black activist Stokely Carmichael, leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, asked Ben to keep his restaurant open and the Alis obtained permission to stay open past curfew. The restaurant fed both the police officers and firemen working to impose order on the neighborhood, as well as the black activists. The violence and arson reached such an extent that Ben wrote "Soul Brother" in soap on the front window in the hopes that it would stop the angry mobs.
My dad was a DC cop during the riots, so I wonder if he ate there. With Stokely Carmichael!  ;)

Mostly, I'm fucking bummed because the one time I ever went there, I got a plain cheeseburger like a fucking idiot. Grrr.

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