Thursday, November 18, 2010

Medical History.

Speaking of sticking a kid's hand on an oven, I remember Brothatime!  burning one of his little mitts to a crisp as a kid by putting his hand on the oven door, and he was in the hospital for a coupla days. I musta been like 3 or 4 so I don't remember anything about it other than when we went to visit him he had a big ol' Husky pencil with Smokey the Bear's head on top. I can't say I was thinking "gee, hope he heals okay!" as much as I was thinking "where the fuck is MY goddam Smokey the Bear Husky pencil?!?!?!?!?!"

The legend became such that the day he got home he walked up to the stove and did it again, but that seems apochraphyl. Too good to be true.

Then again, over a decade later my little brother broke his kneecap two days after finally getting out of a body cast for a broken leg, so maybe it's just part of our family history. Hmm.

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