Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"Christian," "Family" Values at Work.

Democrats lost the Paycheck Fairness Act by only having 17 more votes than the Republicans (58-41), which means a woman will continue to make about 77 cents to a man's dollar, and it won't be any easier to sue her boss if he pulls out his dick and lays it on her head.

At least two of the Republican Senators amongst the 41 were women. I wonder what Sniffy thinks about this. "Oh good, things will continue to get even harder for my daughters, and I don't just mean Levi. Awesome! Mama Grizzlies, ROOOOAR!!!"

Well done, ladies.

I wish a GOP Senator had been my high school football coach. We woulda won a lot of those games where we scored 6 and our opponent scored 48.

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