Sunday, November 14, 2010

Come the Fuck On.

I just watched America's Test Kitchen tell me that when boiling potatoes to make mashed potatoes I should rinse them off with cold water halfway through.


I get the chemistry, but camon. That's too much work for mashed fucking potatoes. Has there really been that much dissatisfaction throughout the years about mashed potatoes? Really? "Dammit!  When is America gonna finally nail mashed potatoes?!?!!!!!"

Add milk.
Add butter.
Add pepper.

Don't be a fucking hero, and it's about the technique!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your sour cream bigotry is one of the few things that keep you from ascending to the upper echelon of king bloggahs.
Put the sour cream in, mix,ssss and say thank you.