Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fuck You Newt

For some reason it's become very important over the past year for complete jackoffs to claim Newt Gingrich is the smartest guy in the room, and now apparently it's official that we all have to call him a "historian."

Meanwhile, he says this here:

Gingrich did offer some advice for President Obama after an attendee asked if George Washington's experiences could be a lesson for the current president.
"The president should slow down," Gingrich said. "He just suffered a dramatic defeat in the midterm elections … George Washington thought a lot. He was deliberate and slow."
Yes, I'm sure that 30 seconds after he took the oath of office news channels were screaming at Washington that he needed to go because he hadn't saved the planet since he took office. For fuck's sake, of COURSE Washington had time to "sit and mull things over." It was the 18th century - there was no YouTube!!! He coulda gotten caught jerking off some little boys, and nobody would fucking hear about it for months. I guess Newt the Historian assumes no one will EEEEEEVER figure that out themselves since no one's smarter than him.

For chrissake. If we hafta trip over ourselves claiming Newt to be a genius, then he has to do a little better than blatantly think that we're fucking retarded.

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