Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Decision Points

I'm sure Clinton made the rounds when his book came out too, but I wonder why I can't seem to turn on my tv without seeing George Bush plugging his book. Does anybody who would be even vaguely interested in reading it NOT know when a president puts out his first big, official memoirs? Hell, almost two years to the day before it was released, I mentioned it HERE. Even I knew about it, and I'm an idiot. And, as I said HERE, nobody's particularly interested in picking "Mr. From the Gut!"'s brain anyway. This is one of those books that a politician or pundit puts out that the exact same people buy over and over no matter what, a la Coulter et al. If you like Bush you'll buy it, if you don't, you won't. But nobody's gonna be at Barnes & Noble going "Hmmm, Catcher in the Rye...Hardy Boys...HEEEEEy, what's this - President Bush wrote a book? Why did nobody tell me? Sure, I'll give it a try with an honest, open mind as a reader!"

But I guess money is money, and even if you're a former president the publisher is like "get your ass out signing these goddam things on tv!"

And the "Babs showed him her dead fetus" story is whack. First of all, I don't believe it. Secondly, why would you take from that "the sanctity of life" and not "what the fuck is wrong with my mother?" You can tell me you're pro-life without making up some story that makes you look like Buford Frankenstein, for fuck's sake.

I will say he comes off much better on Oprah than Sniffy. For all I think about Bush as president, I do think that if his limo ran over me in the street he'd stop and see if I was okay, while Sniffy would just plow over me and then sneer about what a loser I was for not being an exceptional American, and then excoriate the lamestream media for writing about her running over some guy.

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