Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Jeter Gold Glove

That sound you hear is sports fans about to have a collective shit-fit meltdown today because Derek Jeter won a Gold Glove. Outraged fans will scream "it's a popularity contest!!!" etc etc and start rolling out stats that list Jeter is the worst shortstop of all time, a stain of the purity of the game; worse than Tanner Boyle BEFORE the Bears started winning games.

Who gives a shit? Of COURSE it's a popularity contest! It's a baseball award for chrissake. Of course Jeter wining is nonsense, it's all nonsense. People who should be "outraged!" include other AL shortstops who had incentive bonuses in their contracts, or think an award can squeeze out some more $$$ at their next contract negotiation. Not Dickhead from Chappaqua who will be screaming on Fatcesa in a few hours. Let it go, bro - WE'RE AT WAR, dammit!!! Perspective!

But THIS is actually interesting - Texiera and Cano also won (both way more deservedly than Jeter, in my incredibly educated, valued opinion), and let's lok at their comments:
Mark Teixeira: “As a player who works very hard on defense, it is an honor to win my fourth Gold Glove. I am blessed to play with great teammates, and it’s special to share this achievement with Robinson Cano and Derek Jeter.”

Robinson Cano: “Winning the Gold Glove Award along with my teammates Mark Teixeira and Derek Jeter is an honor. It’s a great feeling to be recognized by managers and coaches for my defensive skills. This is an award I’ve worked for since becoming a Major Leaguer and will continue to do so each season.”

Derek Jeter: It is a tremendous honor to receive the Gold Glove Award, especially since this recognition comes from managers and coaches for whom I have a great deal of respect. It is particularly gratifying to be recognized for defense, as it is something I take a lot of pride in and am constantly working to improve.”
Well well well. Cano mentions the other two guys. So does Tex. Jeter? "Me!  Me!  Me!  Hey, look at ME, everybody!!!"

Same old shit. Way more concerned with wining meaningless awards based on everyone being in awe of the awesome trim he's gotten over the years than winning championships.

Good luck in Kansas City next season, "Captain"!!!!!

"Derek Jeter: Still got it."

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