Sunday, November 07, 2010

Methinks Sniffy's Robot Handlers Doth Protest too Much.

You can probably guess what I think about Sniffy's upcoming TLC show about Alaska in which she relentlessly tries to awkwardly cram in sentences about how great freedom is amidst claiming how much she hates the mere thought of not being in Alaska despite the fact that the whole show is set up to help her to get the fuck out of Alaska and stay the fuck out.

Again, I doff my cap to her, as she obviously knows that someone like me will watch the show for about 8 seconds before jumping out a window, therein eliminating her opposition.

The producers of the show are insisting the show isn't political. Which is fine, what do I know, I haven't seen the show. But here's an interesting thought. If you're going to tell me a show isn't political, then maybe you shouldn't dedicate an entire blog to try to prove it to me. Seems a tad suspicious. But hey, what the fuck do I know, all the fuck I did was come in 2nd place in the 1979 Easter Bunny coloring contest.

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