Monday, November 22, 2010

Mike Lupica Takes a Day Off From Being the Worst Writer in the World.

You know that I think Mike Lupica is a fucking retard, so it pains me to say I agree with him re: if Bush can be president, so can Sniffy:
Barbara Bush, wife of George H.W. Bush and mother of George W., says this to Larry King on Monday night about Sarah Palin:

"I think she's very happy in Alaska and I hope she stays there."

Does she mean the way her son should have stayed in Texas?

Bush was the one-term governor of Texas who became President because his last name was Bush, because he was the affable son of a great American, because people liked him. Palin didn't even last a full term as governor of Alaska, quitting to become rich and famous and a darling of the media on the right.
He also nails Sniffy's phantom war with the press:
It is why you nearly fall down laughing when you hear Palin portraying herself as some victim of the media...She certainly can't be talking about all the big, loud media guys in this country who get so tongue-tied and star-struck around her it's as if they're trying to ask her to the prom. Her book will go to No. 1 and beat Bush. She has her own television show, produced by Mark Burnett, huge reality TV guy. Her fans try to fix "Dancing with the Stars" for her kid. She is Rupert Murdoch's current queen of all media. And her own best dance moves - about whether or not to run for President - are analyzed constantly.

Palin hates the media? It would be like Derek Jeter announcing he hates baseball.
And, just when I'm already feeling miserable enough about making it all the way through one of Lupica's relentlessly unreadable "articles," he gets it right again re: Bush's resurgence in popularity thanks to getting up in front of a tv camera and not eating a puppy:
All he had to do to make eight train-wreck years as President go away was go on a two-week book tour....All Bush had to do was be funny and self-deprecating, talk about how people were surprised he could "write a book, much less read one," and his approval ratings were right back where they used to be.

It had nothing to do with the book, by the way. Bush merely had to present himself as the good ol' boy people thought they were electing when he came out of Texas. Just like that, he found out he didn't even need to rewrite history. Everybody else was doing it for him...Suddenly the dead and wounded of Iraq weren't supposed to matter. Or imaginary weapons of mass destruction. Or Katrina, or torture, or the economy holding as well on his watch as the levees of New Orleans.

He just had to yuk it up with Jay Leno.. In that moment, the old W was back and better than ever, more popular than the guy, Obama, who won by running against him more than he did John McCain.

If it was this easy for him, don't bet against Sarah Palin. Who knows? If they can figure out a way to stuff the ballot box for her the way they are for her kid on the dancing show, she might win in a landslide.

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