Monday, November 22, 2010

Sorry, Rocket 88

I always thought it was Golden Earring's Twilight Zone, but it looks like That's Alright Mama by Arthur Crudup has officially been declared the first-ever rock 'n roll song:
He gives Crudup the nod because "That's All Right Mama" was the first song to contain all of the elements that he says are associated with rock and roll:
  • It's music that draws heavily from blues and country in a hit form that's often danceable.
  • There should be hints of jazz, gospel or folk influence.
  • There should also be some technology influence.
"It's a lot to ask of one song," he said. "Few fit the bill."
On a side note, GodiHateyourArthurCrudup crooned Elvis' version of this to his mother at his own reception, only hours after I had hooked up with a 96 year-old woman (Wedding B). Sweet.

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