Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Proustian Thanksgiving

New York magazine HERE has a buncha chefs give their favorite recipes from their own childhood Thanksgiving dinners. Which makes no sense, since not one gaddam thing on the list looks remotely like anything a kid would eat, but whatevs.

As I wrote HERE back in 2008 (in a post listing what still sounds like the all-time worst Thanksgiving dinner, some sheshe joint in Williamsburg), Thanksgiving dinner to me means one thing:

Mashed potatoes (no stupid fancy shit in 'em, either - salt, pepper, Country Crock)
Stove Top stuffing
Frozen green peas
Homemade rolls
Green bean casserole (just for looks, with the french onions...nobody actually eats this shit, right?)
Home made apple pie
Breyers vanilla ice cream
Ice cold milk

It being, of course, a slight variation of my most Proustian of meals, Sunday dinner of my youth.

A Mississippi Thanksgiving Day classic HERE.

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