Monday, November 15, 2010


Motherfuckers need to stop calling into sports radio crying because after 30 years of absolute loyalty their seats have been moved to the nosebleeds to make room for the corporate non-fans willing to pay the stupid PSL.

Hey, the PSL is the biggest scam in the world, as I wrote HERE. We KNOW this. but why the fuck are you, as a struggling, middle-class fan, still going to these fucking games? Of COURSE they're gonna keep phasing you further and further away; until YOU stop fucking going, they're gonna fucking give out your tickets to Donald Trump over and over. It's how the world works. If fucking Stalin showed up willing to pay $1 more than you for your seat, they'd fucking kick you out. Quit fucking going, and only then will the shit change. Until then, they don't give a shit about your "voice" since they already have your fucking money. Christ, they're kicking you in the teeth and you're begging to gum their assholes. Enough.

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