Monday, November 15, 2010


I don't wanna be an old-timey curmudgeon. And I don't wanna pick on Barry Bonds since the fact is, MOST players were juicing,

But I grew up knowing the number 755. Hell, I even knew the number April 8, 1974 off Al Downing.

But I have no idea when Barry Bonds broke Hank's record. Or where. Or off who. OR what he ended up with. I honestly have no idea.

I'm from the old generation. It might be old age. But are there kids growing up today seeing Barry's total as a magic number like I saw Hank's?


rrthur said...

the kids growing up today are flying in jetpacks. STFU!!!!

Kiko Jones said...

No, they won't X. The baseball powers that be chose not to make a big deal about it. For the record the number is 762 and the last one was hit on Sept. 5, 2007 vs the Rockies at Coors Field.