Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Reissue Box Set

There are exceptions - for instance, I could make a case that the outtakes from The River could make a better album than The River itself. But the phenomenon of the "album box set reissue" is a funny one, as in, is there any other thing in the world you could be sold by the following marketing: "hey, you liked the original? Great! Now pay twice as much for the stuff we deemed wasn't worth putting on the original. Thanks!"? 

It can have some great moments, but by definition the thing seems odd, no? Is that what *NEW, IMPROVED!* dishwasher detergent is about - "okay, now that you bought our original shit, we're gonna charge you twice as much now that we've put in the stuff we didn't think should go in the first time?"

Life, eh? A box of fucking crackers.

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