Monday, November 15, 2010

Sniffy Exposure

A coupla weeks ago HERE I wrote about the fact that the closer you get to Sniffy, the more you find people who HATE HER FUCKING GUTS:
If she ran for president, who knows what states she'd win, but from what I can tell my left nut has a better chance of winning Alaska than she would. Every newspaper/media outlet in Alaska seems to be incredulous beyond belief at how seriously people in the rest of the country take her, and within each concentric circle you hit that's closer to her, the more hatred there is for her. ANYONE in the state that has actually come in contact with her seems to want to scream to the rest of us about what an awful, awful person she is. The entire state is one colelctive "are you motherfuckers out of your goddam minds?"
And here's more proof that there's no way in hell Palin would win her precious Alaska:
In Alaska the big story is Sarah Palin's strength- or more precisely lack thereof- only 15% of her home state Republicans say she's their pick to be President, putting her behind Huckabee at 17% and Gingrich and Romney at 16%. When you see that lack of support for Palin in the state Joe Miller's apparent loss in the state's Senate election begins to look more and more understandable. It's clear at this point that Palin is a lot more popular in the rest of the country than she is in her home state.
Gore losing Tennessee sucked, but he didn't base his existence on being from Tennessee. Meanwhile, nobody wraps herself in her state flag like Sniffy. This would be like Mickey Mouse losing the Disneyland vote. Except, of course, with nicer titties.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She would never win because all that will have to be said is, 'Palin was elected gov and quit her job to be a -celebrity-' Is she going to run for Prez and then quit halfway through?
