Monday, November 08, 2010


A while back HERE I was rolling my beautiful brown eyes at the idea that Tea Party politicians are gonna "fuck some shit up" once they get to DC, and Rand Paul for one hasn't even waited to get inside the Beltway before realizing he enjoys the free creme brulée that comes with playing ball with DC insiders.
Ironically, while Paul touts his anti-establishment, Tea Party credentials, he is actually joining some in the House and Senate GOP establishment in disregarding the Tea Party’s wishes on earmarks...If he’s already selling out his Tea Party pledges, as the conservative National Review suggests, Paul may be proving earmark-happy Rep. Roy Blunt’s (R-MO) sentiments correct: “they can be as ideological as they want before getting to Washington but will soon discover that things are quite different once inside of the beast.”
Sorry, TPers!!

But this whole notion of getting rid of earmarks is absurd, yet another thing candidates say to us because we demand to be spoken to as if we're children. Another step in the march towards us demanding our own interests be ignored. As I wrote HERE  along time ago, how the fuck did we let ourselves become convinced that our representatives should NOT get as much federal $$ for the good of our state as they can? Isn't that what they're for in the first place? Sure a million bucks on measuring the dick size of beavers is goofy, but it's a small price to pay for the billions of dollars we should be clamoring at our Congressmen to bring back to our states to do useful shit.

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