Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Estate Tax.

As a grown-up I understand that the non-sunsetting of the Bush tax cuts was inevitable, and the only possible step towards any move out of gridlock for DC. But I do feel like the repeal of the estate tax part of it is a bit piling on. I mean, for any incredibly miniscule fraction of the country, is it really worth it to make sure that the heirs of the insanely wealthy aren't shamed into being the merely uber wealthy?
...permanently repealing the estate tax would add almost $1.3 trillion to the deficit between fiscal years 2012 and 2021. This includes $1 trillion of lost revenues and $277 billion of higher interest payments on the national debt, which currently tops $1 trillion.
Championed, of course, by the very people who have been screaming that if we don't fix the deficit Baby Jesus will come back and cry on national tv and, of course, can't wrap their heads around how we're gonna pay for the unemployment insurance extension, which is like the Octomom picking up an abortion pamphlet today.

All this for a swath of people you and I will never even remotely come in contact with, or even vaguely know. But hey, it's good for the Steinbrenners since apparently the best time for rich motherfuckers to die was in 2010. I'm very certain that Yankees tickets will go down because of this. Cough.

Other rich people who died in 2010, meaning their poor, dear, orphaned children wouldn't be forced to stop buying solid gold yachts. I mean really, haven't they suffered enough?

(warning - your first thought after clicking the link will be "oh shit - Joe Torre died??!??!?")

ps - I don't wanna be a dick, but...does Gary Coleman really qualify for this list? Really?

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