Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Glenn Beck Is Right - The Stormtroopers are Coming!!!!

Anyone else find it "funny" that the whole Obama/GOP stalemate/meltdown-cum-hugs and kisses and "hey, what was the problem?" all-of-a-sudden press conference over the whole tax cuts "compromise" perfectly mirrored in real time the Jeter/Yankees stalemate/meltdown-cum-hugs and kisses and "hey, what was the problem?" all-of-a-sudden press conference over the whole free agency re-signing thing?  Bit strange, isn't it?

I mean, I'm just saying. YES, both Obama and Jeter are half white and half black. YES it's creepy how perfectly in sync these two things happened. YES, it probably means white people are about to be overrun and put in gulags, but I'm just saying. Take from it what you will.... (cue creepy music...whoa whoa, R. Kelly? not THAT creepy, for fuck's sake...)

"Whoa, whoa, easy Mr. Jeter..I'll go without a struggle, relax!"

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

What the hell, man! I've been thinking THE EXACT SAME THING! (Also both Jeter and Obama got angry over their respective negotiations AFTER THE FACT.)
We deluded fools think alike, huh? heh heh