Saturday, December 11, 2010

Keep Pushing, Fags!...Hey, Wait a Second.

Last week HERE I wrote about progressives screwing themselves by giving power back to the opposition just because they didn't get everything they wanted in 10 minutes, choosing to throw hissy fits instead of doubling down on their original demands:
Blame Obama et al all you want. But voters were certainly free to go back to the polls last month and double down: "no no, we REALLY want a change!" therein reconfirming what they had asked for in 2008 and giving Obama and Co. more of an actual mandate to work with. INSIST on getting what they had previously asked for.

But of course they didn't, and now we get what we've asked for.
Sully is urging supporters of the repeal of DADT to NOT do what I accused voters of doing last month:
We are so close it would be truly insane to let this moment pass.
You don't give up at the 1-yard line just because there's one guy left in front of you. You keep fucking pushing!!!!

Well, unless it's LT. That motherfucker was scary as shit.

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