Wednesday, December 08, 2010


Yglesias reiterates the ACTUAL victims of political battles HERE:
The fact of the matter, however, is that Barack Obama is going to be fine. At worst, a president fails to get re-elected. But in the scheme of things, Jimmy Carter and George HW Bush have great lives. These high-level politicians are basically untouchable. All that’s at stake for them personally is questions of ego. The people who really lose in a serious way if DREAM doesn’t pass are undocumented teenagers. These people didn’t do anything to John McCain. He has no reason to be bitter at them. But they, not Barack Obama, not “the Democrats” are the ones who actually have something really big on the line.
This is like the absurdity of people thinking they're "punishing" some nameless, faceless "evil gub'ment!" monster when in fact it's made up of actual living, breathing people we all know:
...of course government on any level bigger than the Junior Women's Club is not made up of real people that you may know and live amongst but are instead a faceless, nameless phantasm of evil, socialist energy that will merely be forced into some backroom to shake it's fists at the sky "damn you, freedom, you've beaten me THIS time!!!" and rub it's hands with glee at the prospect of coming back again and trying to destroy America as if in some Spy vs. Spy cartoon or Jerry muttering "Newman!!" through clenched teeth. 

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