Wednesday, December 01, 2010


The five minute walk to the L this afternoon throughly soaked me, so I was grouchy went I sat down on the train, and got even grouchier when I realized the grey-haired hippie burnout next to me was fucking singing. I was about to growl at him and move to another seat and then I realized he was singing Rain, easily the 2nd or 3rd best Beatles song ever. I could hear him perfectly, but if you were five feet away you probably couldn't. And I enjoyed the fuck out of it. I wish I'd had the guts to start singing along. Fucking a.


The Gnat said...

I think Rain is my #1 Beatle, but I honestly wouldn't recognize it coming out of anyone's mouth. It's just about the bass line (that you turned me onto years ago).

Xmastime said...

it took me a coupla seconds to realize it...its not a slice you assume is gonna be sung on the train :)