Friday, December 31, 2010

Sarah Palin Facebook Alert

That sound you hear is the scrambling of Sniffy Wiffy's Facebook typing monkeys, spurred into heights of ecstasy over THIS NEW LEVEL OF ASS-DUMBNESS brought on by Neocons ("like the old cons, except even MORE worthless!") wherein we're supposed to pine for the warm, fuzzy days of  the Cold War.

Sniffs must be an incredibly misinformed, sexy-ass pig in shit over this one, since it allows her to sound the battle stations re: "Iran is CRAZY!! we have to BOMB THEM OFF THE FUCKING PLANET!!!" PLUS some nice, racist rhetoric about Obama being a clueless appeasing pansy, AND, the one that's really gonna set off her fingerblasting, she gets to tie it all up in a nice red bow about how Saint Reagan singlehandedly wrestled the Russian Bear to the ground using only his iron nutbag and the righteousness of Capitalism. I'm guessing the only reason we haven't seen the inevitable 9000 word post so far is she's trying to find an angle to also tie in Baby Jesus coming down and stuffing cupcakes into kid's fat mouths because Michelle Obama is a Marxist.

Go Sniffy, go!!!!!

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