Thursday, December 09, 2010

The Tits That Can't Shoot Straight

While it's a given that h8ers like me will pounce on the fact that Palin isn't exactly Sniffy Crockett, apparently the very people she was hoping to impressed are miffed at her for being such a fake.

As I said HERE, you can only work up too much lather about whether or not she can shoot a gun, and I don't really understand why we seem to think it's so important that a candidate for political office knows how to handle a gun anyway, but if you are gonna comport yourself as THE Mama Grizzly!!!, then you can't show yourself on tv in a situation wherein if it had wanted to, the caribou could've wandered up to her and eaten her kids if they had been there instead of her dad, whom she for some reason dragged to the Arctic Circle despite him being 100 years old and having the world's creepiest "companion." Or at least have the brains to edit the goddam thing better.

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