Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I guess Owen Wilson didn't die, since they've removed today's death date from his Wikipedia page.

Is seeing your death announced on Wikipedia, along with that day's date, the modern version of seeing your own tombstone? Yeesh.  Maybe I should be lucky you sorry, ungrateful bastards haven't created a page for me.

Hey, look - tombstone funny! and GRAVESIDE ETIQUETTE!

1 comment:

Will said...

This only reason I am posting is to be the first and only person to read your blog from mid flight aboard a plane. I mean, I am sure some people comment when they are pretty high, but not this high!!!!!

Congrats on over 4,100 post bro! If you had $10 for every post.....well, you still wouldn't be making a living wage.

Peace and Chicken Grease
