Saturday, December 11, 2010

Xmastime is Coming

I'm seeing Marah's Christmas Show tonight; over the years I've seen a million great moments at these show (buy their awesome Christmas album HERE!!!) They're always great because Dave & Serge have always loved Christmas more than any people I've ever known, to an unsettling degree - Dave's on an endless search for more christmas lights and Serge keeps a back-up tree in the yard in case the main one craps out; presumably because he puts it up in the living room in late June. Dave is the one who first called me "Xmastime," I don't really remember why. And then Serge wrote a song based on me called The Closer (you ladies know what thats about, heh heh heh.) After years of media speculation I can now say YES, it's me in the middle of the track talking on the phone with Dave. None of these things have ever gotten me fucking laid, so looking back I don't really know what the purpose was, but hell, I guess they tried  ;)

Somehow, there's not tons of footage of their Xmas Shows on YouTube, so fuck it, here's them with Nick Hornby in London a few years ago. Bon soir.

1 comment:

ereiberg said...

The phrase "Are you coming back to Brooklyn?" has never been slurred so perfectly.

I remember circa 2000 a friend of mine who lived on Bedford not too far from the L would often ask those of us who lived right in the East Village, "hey you guys wanna come back to Brooklyn with me?" This was at 3AM after our Thursday blackout binges. The consensus was always fuck and no.