Saturday, January 08, 2011


Let's not forget that Palin's whole "Crosshairs" map was so over the top that it even made some Tea Partiers back away from it's looniness, and that even after THAT Palin DOUBLED DOWN on the violent rhetoric:
To the teams that desire making it this far next year: Gear up! In the battle, set your sights on next season’s targets! From the shot across the bow – the first second’s tip-off – your leaders will be in the enemy’s crosshairs, so you must execute strong defensive tactics. You won’t win only playing defense, so get on offense! The crossfire is intense, so penetrate through enemy territory by bombing through the press, and use your strong weapons – your Big Guns – to drive to the hole. Shoot with accuracy; aim high and remember it takes blood, sweat and tears to win. 
Credit where it's due: Palin's passionate about what she believes in, and sticks to her guns.

At least when I work people into a histrionic murderous frenzy, I'm funny:
But seriously, am I the only one that can't wait for her inevitable cookbook, Cookin' with Sarah?
"Okay, buttered white toast: first, get some white bread. Put it on the counter and take a few moments to spray automatic gunfire all around you. When your index fingers gets cramped, put the gun down and put the bread on the counter. Now you wanna go to the fridge and get the butter, but not before launching a few grenades at any buildings in your city that house any media companies (note, freedom-loving readers: NOT Fox News!!!) Now put the bread in the toaster, and while the bread is toasting point a tank loaded with mini-nukes and fire them at the "ghettos." After a minute your toast will pop up; take the bread out and apply the butter evenly and smoothly upon the toast. Take the toast and go down to your local Democratic headquarters, where you should wait for the Democrat to appear, and then shoot him in the fucking head. If he does not come out and you need to get home to pretend to study the Constitution, just torch the place. Enjoy the toast!"


Marley said...

Well, that didn't take you long. It's a wonder you held off for as long as you did.

Xmastime said...

whoa, WHOA - easy...Im no hero.