Saturday, January 08, 2011

AZ Thoughts

1) I'm always amazed when people get shot in the head and live. Not as much as people that survive plane crashes, but still. Amazing.

2) How comforting is it that not only did this guy walk up to a crowd and start shooting people, but someone else in the crowd also had a gun and started shooting back at him? Ah yes. The only civil right we're not in a hurry to throw away in the name of being scared of Muslims is still the right to wander around with loaded guns.  One weird thing about me is that I'm right-handed, but shoot a gun AND pool left-handed. Why? Who knows? I am an enigmatic, mysterious, riddle of a cat. With, ironically, depth perception so bad I got laughed at during my USAF physical. Interesting.

3) 9 year-old little girl shot dead. How old is Palin's youngest girl?

3) Suspect is a 22 year-old white guy.  When I was 22 I had no idea who the hell my Congressman even was; so, if you wanna make lemonade outta lemons, at least here was a young guy who was informed and wanted to get involved.

4) As I wrote HERE, I've always had my suspicions re: Congressmen "going out to meet the folks!:
9) I love when politicians say that they’re going to go home to “talk to my constituents.” Really? Has anyone ever seen these people just wandering around, getting thoughts from the people that voted them into office? I don’t know anyone who knows anybody that’s been like “...yeah, so at Arby’s our Senator walked in and we had a long talk....” So far it seems that the only people these guys talk to in their home states are their families and hookers. Yet they talk on tv as if they’re going home and literally setting up a box at an intersection and talking to “the folks.” The last politician to ride in a car without a roof and genuinely tried to make eye contact with “the folks” had his brains sprayed all over Jackie Kennedy’s lap, and don’t think for a second I didn’t spend the last ten minutes sitting here trying to think of a joke finishing with “sprayed all over Jackie Kennedy’s lap.”
I have a "feeling" these corner-styled meetings will be less frequent now. Great. One MORE thing white guys have fucked up for everybody else.

1 comment:

kerwin said...

Does it really matter whether the killer was a Democrat or Republican? I am quite sure that the mother of that 9 yr old girl is not wondering what party he belonged too. Or the family of the judge. Or the other dead and critically wounded. What matters is that we have become a nation of no compassion,or hate,of self interests and nothing more. We need not worry about the terrorist from outside our borders,we are destroying ourselves quite nicely.The issue of why this killer was issued a gun while having a criminal record and history of mental illness should be addressed and rapidly. The media and its ilk would do much better just reporting the news and not adding its conjecture to the mix. This is a tragedy on so many levels, yet so many in here would rather cast hatred and bile than to show respect and compassion to those who died and are injured.