Sunday, January 09, 2011


Someone commented on an earlier post and raised a good point:
The issue of why this killer was issued a gun while having a criminal record and history of mental illness should be addressed and rapidly.
I don't know if the guy had an actual criminal record or not, but the answer of course is that AZ gov Jan Brewer only months ago signed into law a bill that allows AZ residents over 21(including in Phoenix, inexplicably the 5-largest city in the US) to carry around a concealed gun...without a permit.  A cursory Google search would've signaled "well, let's wait a minute before giving this guy a gun."  But AZ has decided that's not important.  Hey, you want a cheesesteak you go to Philly, if you want deep-dish pizza you go to Chicago, and if you're looking to kill some people and aren't very interested in having to work too hard to get the weapons for it, you go to Arizona. As the sheriff from the town the shootings took place said,  "We have become the Mecca for prejudice and bigotry." Every part of America has it's own "thang", and that's what makes us AWESOME!

I've long ago given up any commie pinko-left dreams of eliminating the 2nd amendment, and I'm barely clinging to hope of actual gun control. But do we really have to make it THAT easy? No permits? Really? When did doing some paperwork and paying a small fee being a bridge too far - when did that become the "oh, FUCK this, this is too much of a violation of my rights!!!" moment? When did getting a gun become easier than renting a video from Blockbuster? Well, especially since there's probably no Blockbusters left, but you get my point.

Of course the answer is the moment Brewer decided that pleasing the gun crowd, no matter how extreme, was very important to her getting elected, certainly more important than the prospect of people getting shot. And so here we are.

On a more serious note, how many fucking times am I gonna fin myself sitting through Empire Records? Jesus fucking Christ.

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