Sunday, January 09, 2011

Reality Show!!!!!!

Last week I wrote about Bristol Palin moving to Arizona HERE.

I wonder if these shooting will affect her move?

IF so, might I suggest, Lil' Sniffs, movng to Williamsburg Brooklyn? There's TONS of space in my loft - bring the kid!  Hell, I used to be a PROFESSIONAL MANNY for chrissakes. I can help you raise the kid, you'd get to enjoy the hippest neighborhood in the country as a young woman, and we could let a reality show film us!!  How great would that be?

"She's a 20 year-old Tea-partying mom experiencing NYC for the first time. He's a 38 year-old liberal who hates her mother, but really, really wants to, as he says, 'get up in there.' He's raising her kid, and she's bringing her own grizzly-styled sense of style to the big city. Saaaaaaaay, Mama coming from Alaska to visit? Oh oh!  Watch as hijinks ensue!  Each week at 9pm, here on ABC!!!"

Writes itself, no?  Camon, let's do this!!!!!

"Live with that motherfucker? Oh, HELL no!"


Unknown said...

"A Granny, A Manny, and a Big Ol' Fanny"?

"Manny, All Up In the Middle"?

"Dirty Sexy Manny"

Could you and Trig playing word association games be a regular features whenever Palin visits?

Anonymous said...

The young woman actually has TWO kids.