Tuesday, January 04, 2011


Clinton Kelly, star of the TLC show What Not to Wear, is not a fan of fellow TLC Sarah Palin's show.
"What Not to Wear" host Clinton Kelly doesn't like TLC's style when it comes to their program choices. The fashion expert says he isn't happy appearing on the same network as Sarah Palin.

"I wasn't thrilled when I heard that Sarah Palin had an eight-hour infomercial, you know, on my network because she basically stands for everything I don't stand for or I'm against. So it's a little bit rough," Kelly said of "Sarah Palin's Alaska"
MORE BREAKING NEWS: apparently there are shows on TLC that are NOT Sarah Palin's Alaska. In the words of Johnny Carson, I did not know that (adjusting windsor knot.)

SOON TO BE BREAKING NEWS: Clinton Kelly, star of the TLC show What Not to Wear, is about to be shredded into little bits by a remote-controlled moose and fed to the Palin girls for breakfast. That makes me sad  :(

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