Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Xmastime Degrees of Separation

Earlier I mentioned the newest edition of Huckleberry Finn removing the 'n' word.

Then a dog that gives hand jobs.

Now I see that a masseuse if suing Brett "I should've retired in 1997" Favre about something that involves a happy ending.

Favre is from Mississippi, which is pretty famous for loving the 'n' word and not being too crazy about black people not being slaves anymore.

Xmastime lived in Mississippi for two years, including a miserable Thanksgiving with some stolen cookies.

Xmastime wrote a Racist Restaurant Review about a place with "real, Southern" macaroni and cheese.

Using the 'n' word is considered racist, which is why they're taking it out of the new edition of Huckleberry Finn.

BOOM!!!  Is your mind BLOWN, little one?

You're welcome!

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