Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Oh Good. We're Fucked.

As I mentioned HERE yesterday, as you all know, birds and fish are popping up dead all over Arkansas.

And today, birds are dropping dead outta the sky in Louisiana.

What the fuck? Nobody seems to know what the hell is going on. The Masqué of the Red Death, peut-etre?


Just now I stumbled upon the picture of the sun below, a photo of the sun during today's partial lunar eclipse. Anything look familiar to you?

Umm...what the FUCK is that thing to the upper left? Is that a goddam TIE FIGHTER? I don't wanna spin Star Wars nerds into epileptic fits of delirious ecstasy, but is this how it's really gonna end - ARE WE UNDER ATTACK FROM THE FUCKING DEATH STAR???!?!!??!? Really?!?!?!?


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