Thursday, January 06, 2011

Cage Match!

There's some hand-wringing re: is Sarah Palin going to destroy Ann "Yeeeeaaaah, where HAVE I been recently?" Coulter, since Coulter used the dread "r" word about some MSNBC dude.

But of course that's laughable. OF COURSE Sniffy isn't gonna be upset. As we learned in the Rush Limbaugh Retard Retarded Retarded-Sometimes-With-a-Y Episode, Sniffy only gets upset when DEMOCRATS use the word!  Republicans? No problem! They can use it ad nauseous: you're retarded, he's retarded, they're all retarded, Sniffy's kid is retarded, Eddie and the Cruisers II was retarded, Eddie and the Cruisers WASN'T retarded, and on and on and on. Camon. Just like black people own the word "n---er" and can use it as they wish, obviously Republicans feel that they own the word "retard" for the same reason. Good for them!

But if Sniffy and Skinny wanted to wrestle in some Hormel Chili with Laura Ingraham officiating in a nice little leopard-skin one-piece, I can't say I'd be too upset about it. I mean, I probably wouldn't look away or nothin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And the sad truth is that why Sarah Palin picks and chooses who can say the R word, people with special needs continue to be marginalized. Perhaps if Sarah Palin spent more time with her child, sat in therapy offices, sat in a special needs classroom she would understand what we have been saying.