Monday, January 24, 2011

Corporate Taxes.

On of the funnier things about America today is that if you truly believe in it's spirit, if you TRULY believe in the AMERICAN DREAM of entreprenuership and "Can do it!"-ism, you're also supposed to believe that that a 3% difference in the corporate tax is worth scrapping that very idea, and saying "fuck it, I'd rather be homeless."

Poverty, racism, sexism, your idea is asinine, no education, you're an idiot, no, of course those aren't things holding you back - of course, it's the government taking an extra dollar out of every three thousand you might potentially make that is the reason you're still living in your parents basement wiping Cheetos dust off your Dazed and Confused underoos.

Ah yes. Another myth created to make stupid people root for the uber-wealthy. Well done, rich people!

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