Monday, January 24, 2011


Sir Thomas Malory's ' Le Morte d'Arthur has been around for over 500 years, and yet we've never had a definitive Arthur on camera, via tv or movie, have we?


Unknown said...

Mallory himself was a compelling motherfucker. He wrote a bunch of Arthur in jail, or gaol. He was a thief and highwayman, possible rapist, though the charges suggest more than likely he simply banged a lot of rich and powerful men's wives. I can't remember the name of the best biography, but the section about him in the book "The Scholar Adventurers" is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Maybe because it's so repetitious and boring.

The Gnat said...

Sword in the Stone - Disney flick from the 80s gave us a goofy towhead.

Xmastime said...

that WAS a good one.

also, i was hoping you had written "towelhead." woulda been funny! ;)