Thursday, January 06, 2011

Freaks and Geeks

The second season imagined here!  :)
Sam Weir/Neal Schweiber/Bill Haverchuck
Last we saw them: They’re playing Dungeons & Dragons with Daniel
Season two: In the episode “Noshing and Moshing,” Neal becomes a ventriloquist as a way to cope with news of his father cheating on his mother. The plotline was dropped from there, but in season two, we return to it, with Neal drifting away from Sam and Bill, who become better friends because of it — until Bill becomes the first of the three to get a steady girlfriend, played by up-and-coming actress Sarah Silverman, wooing her with his Rerun Dance. Sam, jealous at Bill, gets back with Cindy, who finally finds Steve Martin funny when he stars in Pennies in Heaven.

I totally agree - there was no single more "of COURSE!" moment than when Neal showed up with a ventriloquist dummy, and then there was nothing more disappointing than when it never appeared again.

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