Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Good Question

This guy HERE raises a good question:
But then you have to start asking hard questions, like: is bin Laden a murderous monster who knows what he's doing? Or is he "crazy"?
Jared Loughner should be dismissed with an Indian head-burn as an isolated looney, "oh, YOU!!" But bin Laden wears a turban on his head, which means he's an evil genius mastermind worthy of dumping $1 trillion dollars and thousands of lives down the shitter, just like we believe that KSM can't be tried in America since he's a wolverine capable of morphing into the Death Star because he trained some guys on the monkeybars really well, although we don't seem to mind putting people like McVeigh/Gacy/Unabomber et al on trial without shitting ourselves.

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