Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Money. It's Amazing.


Chaldia said...

So have you seen that movie After Sex?

ER said...

Not to be swayed too much by appearance, but is there any way that in five years she doesn't marry M. Night Shamalyan (she's likes them toasted brown, and he is clearly begging for people to beat him, the which she will oblige) and we wind up with some sort of extra douchebaggy Woody/Soon Yi situation a few years after that? Am I the only who thinks of these things?

The Gnat said...

Lemme see if I can do my best Xmastime - "I dunno bout all dat, but num, num, num."

Xmastime said...

nom nom nom!!!

Anonymous said...

And she could make comedic faces with her belly skin while you chowed her box. Dinner and a show. Bonus!