Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Plans. I Have Them.

There's no way I'll ever make any real money off Xmastime, it's "focus" is way too broad. The only blogs that blow up and become books/tv shows et al are ones that are laughably narrow, like 'Pictures of kittens playing soccer," or whatthefuckever. So of course I have an idea. An no, it's not "Pictures of squirrels fisting."  (unless there's an investor interested in seeing that one?)

I first mentioned about five years ago the creeping in of old man tendencies that I was recognizing in myself.  Is that the single worst-constructed sentence of all time? Possibly  Probably.

And as a full-on old man now, I can't seem to make it through the night without having to get up to piss. I don't even fight it any more. This morning it was at 4:55am.  So I'm gonna set up a blog where each day I simply list the time I had to get up to piss that night. Nothing more, nothing less. It would look like this:

January 11, 2011

Then I'll sit back, wait for the irony-lovin' trust-funded hipsters to find it, and then KA-CHING$$$$$$$!!!!!

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