Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Life and How to Live It

I read this earlier this morning, on the doctor tending to Lincoln after he got "Boothed":
Dr. Leale intoned his diagnosis and prognosis simultaneously: "His wound is mortal; it is impossible for him to recover."
I think if I was a doctor, that'd be my primary tactic. Set expectations as low as possible, and then go from there. Broken leg? Sorry, your kid's probably gonna die, but let me see what I can do.  Bad cough? Well, get his affairs in order, it's curtains for this sad bastard.  That way if the person doesn't die, I'm a fucking hero. And if I fuck up and accidentally kill the guy, well, then, what the fuck did I tell you in the first place?

Yes, this is why I'm better than you.

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