Saturday, January 08, 2011

Possible New Slice?

I just watched the premiere episode of the upcoming Showtime series Episodes, and, I'm surprised to say, liked it. It comes dangerously close to the "oh oh, things go wrong at every turn!" cliché, plus it rips of the "corporate suits steamroll the artist" them from the second season (whoops - I mean second series!) of Extras, but pulls it off pretty well. Probably due to the main two characters being British, which means they're witty instead of "club them over the head and be stoopid!" like we 'mericans like our booby tube.*

And I've got a crush on the female lead, as she's long, lean, toothy, and, as I said, British.

But my #1 for the show is the chick below, Daisy Haggard - you can't really tell here, but she's got teef coming outta the screen so hard, they're the type that the lips always stick too. Aka, my wheelhouse!!!

*as a screamer for years re: the same two shitcoms being made over and over, I really appreciated this from Gawker:
ABC has gone ahead and ordered two new sitcom pilots and they sound GREAT. One is called Smothered and it is about a young couple who are toootallly hassled by their wacky parents!! Because that concept always goes great. (See also: this unholy disaster.) The other one sounds even better. It is about "three best friends and the women in their lives" and it is called Man Up. Duuuuuude. Hilarious. I really think we don't have enough comedies, or any shows really, about guys and the things guys like. Also comedies about relationships. Man, I love comedies about how men are and how women are and how like they'll never really get each other.  
You'd think with such successful sitcoms as The Office, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Modern Family they'd have the balls/brains to stretch out a bit, but I guess not.

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