Saturday, January 08, 2011

Well. This is Interesting.

Arizona Congresswoman is shot in the head along with at least 11 others, and, as Sully points out, she was on Palin's's "Crosshairs" list.
Palin Reloads; Aims For Giffords
Earlier this year, Palin drew sharp criticism for featuring a map on her web page riddled with crosshairs targeting Democrats in vulnerable congressional districts. Tucson's Gabrielle Giffords is among the 20 Democratic incumbents whom Palin intends to use for target practice.
Obviously nobody's saying Palin wanted this, or isn't horrified by it. But, just like when Glenn Beck provokes people into shooting sprees in Pittsburgh,  maybe it's time that public figures pull back a bit on the "whipping/scaring people into a frenzy!" throttle, and the media slow down in sprinting to throw it up in headlines with the largest font and scariest language possible.

In the meantime, since I'm Xmastime, I hafta point out that I eagerly await Palin's "oh so heartfelt" Tweet/Facebook condolences for the Giffords family, and then subsequent outrage and indignation over the lamestream media making the connection between the shooting and her cute little Crosshairs Map.

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